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Covid-19 Saftey Protocols
As mentioned in part of my story, my previous career was working in an Emergency Room for 25 years. Plus, with my experience working in and with multiple local shelters, I am very aware and sensitive to Universal Precautions. For the safety of not only my clients, their pets but also my own household I have had in place very strict guidelines even before I started Alex's Feline Training and Behavior Consulting, LLC.
When Covid-19 left most of us with more questions than answers, I did my best to ensure that all clients will not have to worry about their family or home is at risk with my services. However, Covid-19 isn't the only germ floating around that can potentially infect us and our pets.
Below are the updated version of my Saftey Protocols:
Safety Protocols
Below are the measures are taken to ensure the health and safety of people and pets under the care of Alex’s Feline Training and Behavior Consulting, LLC:
Pet Sitting Meet & Greets can be started with a virtual meeting (Skype or Zoom) where a tour of the home will be given. A physical meeting can always be performed where Alex will be able to have a brief interaction with pets, while both Alex and clients wear masks and maintain recommended 6 feet social distancing.
Clients are asked to have all pet supplies gathered into one central location. To help ensure your protection and peace of mind, you may also have separate dedicated sitter supplies that only Alex will touch. Upon request only, Alex may bring her own equipment such as litter scoopers and trash bags to use for each individual client.
Alex’s Feline Training and Behavior Consulting, LLC is currently transitioning to a paperless system. All daily pet reports will be sent via text or email updates. Service Agreements and Pet Care forms will be sent electronically. At this time, payment is asked to be paperless as well.
Prior to the visit, all clients will be prescreened and asked:
If they are currently feeling any symptoms
If they have been exposed to anyone recently diagnosed or showing symptoms
If all pets are in good health and have recently shown any symptoms of illness
Any client with potential exposure will be visited last.
Before entering a client’s home, Alex will:
Remove shoes or put on shoe covers
Properly place face mask (covers nose and mouth)
Apply hand sanitizer before knocking on the door, ringing the doorbell, or use key\key pad to enter home
Apply gloves, when requested by the client or when the client is feeling sick
Maintain 6-foot distance
During the visit, any surface that is touched, including keys, alarm keypads, door handles, etc. will be cleaned after use
After the visit, Alex will wash her hands, again wipe keypads, keys, and door handles with an alcohol pad, and changes socks for the next visit. For extra protection, all clothing can be changed between visits, if needed (for example if a cat might be sick or if the next client has a cat very sensitive to other animal smells.)

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